personal stake

美 [ˈpɜːrsənl steɪk]英 [ˈpɜːsənl steɪk]
  • 私人股权
personal stakepersonal stake
  1. And the fact that they have a personal stake in the outcome makes them really pay attention .


  2. That the people have a personal stake in the war .


  3. She has a personal stake in the success of the play .


  4. I therefore declare a personal stake in these principles .


  5. His personal stake is valued at over US $ 25 billion .


  6. He has a personal stake in this matter .


  7. Look , I admit I have a personal stake in this .


  8. By having a personal stake in potential failure , they would price debt and equity differently .


  9. However , the general principle is well established : a personal stake in the outcome , however small , constitutes grounds for disqualification .


  10. OK.Good carbon burning , well , we all have a personal stake in this because burning carbon is the basis of life .


  11. With his personal stake in the outcome or the Algerian revolution , Kennedy followed Algerian developments with special care .


  12. An adviser to the forces , who didn 't want to give his name , explained the fighters have a personal stake in a peaceful .


  13. An adviser to the forces , who didn 't want to give his name , explained the fighters have a personal stake in a peaceful outcome .


  14. The reason for this may be that couple members have a " tremendous personal stake in the romance that clouds ( their ) judgments regarding it ," the researchers suggest .


  15. Given Mr Musk 's personal stake of around 20 per cent in both companies , the offer also raised questions about whether he was using Tesla to bail out the struggling power company .


  16. Based on the top end of the price range , his personal stake after the sale would still be worth $ 17.6bn , eclipsing Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin , each of whom currently own shares worth slightly less than $ 17bn in the search company .


  17. For example , one well established ground for disqualification is the administrator 's personal financial stake in the outcome .


  18. His own personal future was at stake .


  19. Mr Tata , whose current title is chairman emeritus of Tata , made the investment with his personal wealth and the stake will be held independent of the group .


  20. As the speed and scale of the unfurling of the credit crunch has shown , predicting the future is not an easy task & even for those with a substantial personal financial risk at stake .
